When implementing a new ERP system, you may be facing a lengthy process. Due to this potential drawn out process, the solution could be creeping close to obsolescence during the time a company progresses from […]
2017 has seen the emergence of these new breakthrough technologies that are deemed to stay. While some are in full flow now, others are set to be fully developed within the next decade or longer. […]
Mistakes in business aren’t only time-consuming, they can also be very expensive. Depending on the severity of the overlook, it can also be a massive impediment in the face of moving forward. With anything tech-related […]
All across the recruitment industry, a collective sigh resonates from people disillusioned with cold calling. Maybe selling is not for you, or perhaps the agency you’re at operates in line with those cheesy Wolf of […]
The internet of things is already a massive part of people’s lives and it’s only going to further enmesh itself into daily routines. If you think that the IoT still hasn’t crawled into your life, […]
2016 saw great advancements in the artificial industry and machine learning industry, but 2017 is looking to bring even more about. We take a look at the top four predictions for AI that everyone should […]
In today’s world, organisations subscribe to a multi-cloud system, however a lot of the time they lack a well-defined cloud strategy. The cloud industry has gone from strength to strength, with private cloud adoption going […]
In the last couple of years, the media has reported on a number of high-profile data breaches ranging from LinkedIn and eBay, to the more taboo Ashley Madison website. Over 500 million user records were […]
A lot of Microsoft Dynamics NAV users tend to use older versions of the software, but in doing so they’re missing out on the benefits of operating NAV in the updated cloud environment. The high […]
With the release of Dynamics 365, a new era of business agility is ushered in. The new system will combine AX and CRM systems into an all-encompassing one, allowing customers to pick and choose between […]