Save The Headaches: 5 Questions To Help You Determine The Right Cloud Solution Provider

In today’s world, organisations subscribe to a multi-cloud system, however a lot of the time they lack a well-defined cloud strategy. The cloud industry has gone from strength to strength, with private cloud adoption going from 64% to 77% and hybrid adoption growing from 58% to 71% (statistics according to RightScale). But how do you determine the right cloud solution for you?

With so many cloud providers out there, choosing the right one for your business may seem daunting, however it doesn’t have to be. When choosing the right provider for your business, it’s extremely important to analyse the fine print and figure out what happens if there’s a security breach (highly relevant in today’s world), what happen is the vendor doesn’t deliver as promised or who owns the risk.

Two of the main reasons companies stop working with a cloud vendor is because the platform failed in an area and expectations weren’t set correctly from the start. So, what should you be looking for before signing up with a cloud vendor?

Data Ownership

When you’re migrating all of your data to the cloud solution provider, you need to take into account what happens if/when you need to move your data back or to another vendor. Who owns the data? Is it still you or does the vendor take ownership of it? Make sure all of this is discussed and stipulated before signing on.


A lot of people think that the cloud is always easy to integrate, something which is true sometimes, but not always. When considering vendors make sure you ask how the solution can integrate as this will save you in the long-run. Make sure that it can deliver a site-to-site VPN solution and that is compatible with other public clouds. Furthermore, determine how much experience they have when delivering hybrid solutions.

Warranties: Financial Backing

When signing on with a vendor make sure they’ve got the financial backing to pay you if there’s any issue such as a breach of warranty, separation, or disagreement. Secondly, you need to find out how strong they’re making the warranty. Are they small enough to close if they miss a delivery or are they a massive provider and therefore you’ll be limited in the amount of pressure you can put on them? It’s very important to make sure you sign on with a vendor that will pay you if there’s something amiss on pre-agreed commitments.

Financial Solvency/Contingency

Make sure that in your contract there are clauses regarding any potential solvency/service issues. Ensure that there are clear guidelines to how you can transition as today’s amazing vendor, may not be as amazing in the years to come.

Choosing the right cloud provider can truly help your business grow to the next level, so make sure you pin point all the aforementioned and save yourself the headaches!

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