Salesforce: New Einstein APIs and Platform Services

The newest release by Salesforce are the Einstein API and Platform Services. This new offering includes Einstein Intent, Einstein Sentiment and Einstein Object Detection. The Einstein platform was introduced last year in September and it is an AI offering designed especially for customer relationship management (CRM).

This platform is of particular use to developers as it provides APIs and other tools to help them create CRM apps that use machine learning capabilities like NLP (natural language processing) and image recognition. Furthermore, developers can use the integrated REST APIs which are Heroku and Apex to train and design bespoke deep learning models. These can be integrated with apps to leverage unstructured data made up of images, social media posts and emails.

The three new releases, Einstein Intent, Einstein Sentiment and Einstein Object Detection all provide an even more holistic approach to CRM. Let’s take a look:

Einstein Intent

This feature allows for the training and creation of deep learning models that classify customer intent. They also automatically engage customers based on it. This can be used when providing bespoke product recommendations based on customer intent.

Einstein Sentiment

This feature can be used to train and create deep learning models that classify sentiment, tone or given text. So, if used, a bespoke application will be able to analyse emails to see whether they contain a negative or a positive tone/sentiment.

Einstein Object Detection

This feature can be used to train and create deep learning models that recognize objects in images. They can be trained to recognize sizes, quantities and where objects are in images which can be particularly useful for inventory management. A bespoke app can be created to help businesses assess inventory levels through retail stock photos.

With Salesforce’s current drive to revolutionize their product with the power of AI, it’s a great time be a Salesforce professional. For further information regarding the new Salesforce Einstein API and Platform Services click here.

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