It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year….To Look For a Job

Once again, the holiday period has creeped up on us. With Christmas shopping in full force, office Christmas parties, a cheeky mulled wine on your lunch break, and the office Christmas fanatic that manages to insert lines from classic festive films (is Jingle All The Way a classic?) in pretty much every sentence, you’d be forgiven for thinking this is a good time to take your eye off the job market.
December has been notoriously known for being a slow month when it comes to companies bringing on new hires. But could this truism be in fact a myth? Here at ShapeIT we think it is so we’re giving you 5 reasons why we think it’s the most wonderful time of the year… to look for a job!
1.There’s less competition
Most people take time out to enjoy the festivities, so it goes without saying that job hunting is nowhere near the top of the list. With other potential candidates taking a break from their search, it’s far easier to stand out from the crowd and beat the mad January rush.
There are jobs out there, with hiring managers still looking to interview before finishing for the year. So, landing a new job before the end of the year is a distinct possibility.
2.There are a lot of jobs out there
When it comes to looking for jobs to apply for, it isn’t slim pickings this time of year at all. Assuming that because a lot of people are taking time off for the holidays their recruitment has gone on hold is wrong. A lot of organisations have planned their budgets for the upcoming year, so they know what talent they need. Therefore, they’re already searching for candidates so they can start the New Year with their hiring needs already met.
Whether it’s surprising or not, a lot of people choose to leave their jobs near the end of the year for new opportunities. People tend to hand in their notice, a lot moving on to other role in the new year, so jobs that weren’t open previously tend to become open in December.
Employees handing in their resignation unexpectedly can leave companies desperately trying to fill their positions. Roles like these are usually urgent, with employers looking to fill them as soon as possible because if the role remains unfilled, they can fall behind in certain areas. It’s a good idea to keep an eye out for any new roles that pop up as the hiring process is likely to move quickly.
4.Know what you want
If you’re thinking that you’re ready to look for a new job in January, you’ll probably find yourself up against a much bigger number of applicants. If you take the time in November to clarify to yourself what exactly you’re looking for in a role, you’ll be ready to start your search in December.
You’ll have a significant advantage if you know what job you want and how your experience aligns to it. A lot of candidates believe that if they leave a lot of options open, they increase their chance of attracting opportunities. Realistically, the opposite is true. If you can clearly articulate to yourself and recruiters what it is you’re looking for exactly then it’s easier to be put in front of hiring managers for roles that you’ll be suited for and that you’ll thrive in.
If you were to cast too wide a net, there’s a risk of being forgotten or overlooked. So it’s great if you can spend November thinking about the exact type you’re looking for and communicating it to your recruiter. You could think of companies you’d like to work for, what sort of projects you’d like to take part in and so on. This will give your recruiter all the necessary information to come back to you with the type of roles you’ll be great for and that match your criteria/
5.Quiet offices means faster response times
It’s known that around this time of year everything seems to slow down. There are less calls to field from vendors, partners, less employees in the office, etc. That means that your application may get seen much faster and with diaries quite free, arranging interviews will move faster. Take advantage of this by working together with your recruiter get things moving!
There you have it, five iron-clad reasons why December is possibly one of the greatest months to find a new role. If we’ve convinced you and you’re ready to pause Mariah Carey’s festive classic for a quick phone call with us, pick up the phone and call us on 0161 839 4330. Or alternatively browse our openings in peace and decide!