Why ShapeIT?

Be more than just a number. We care about you future and your ambitions. Whether it’s what you want in the future, what you want now, or want us to tell you about possibilities you never knew you wanted, we’ll partner with you for you. This is IT recruitment with a focus on people, like it should be.

Client or candidate, our knowledge and network are at your disposal, so why not use us and take advantage of our passion? We’ll listen to you and help you articulate your skills or what makes your company so attractive and plan your long-term goals be they career-related or team-related. We’ll help you find roles or talent that you didn’t even know existed all the while keeping your utmost goals in mind.

Whether it’s Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce, we’re your team- we’re here for you. We understand what you do and the skills you offer or need. We leave all the nitty-gritty tech stuff to you, but when it comes to your career or your team, we’ll be your partners, your advisors. We think about the big picture and the why. Why do you need new team members? Why are you looking for a new job? Our clients and candidates don’t make changes for the sake of it, so we need to understand the ‘why’ to give you the best service possible.