Become a LinkedIn All Star

LinkedIn is used by so many in the professional social media scene. It’s a versatile tool which can be very effective in reaching some of your professional goals if you use it well. It’s great for job hunting, networking, and building a business’s profile. A lot of users won’t use it to its full potential though, which won’t necessarily damage anything, however it won’t have the impact or the reach you’d want. How do you become a LinkedIn All Star?

We’ve put together a few tips to help you build and maintain your professional presence on LinkedIn.

1.All-star Profile

First thing’s first, create your profile. Some people create it and then think that, that’s enough. But it isn’t. If you don’t take the time to complete it then how will people know what you have to offer, what experience you have or what you do as a business? What will people see on your page if all you have are some job titles?

You should take this opportunity to let people know what you do in your past and present role, what projects you are working on, your skills, your experience and so on. LinkedIn is a great way to showcase your references from employers, colleagues and client. This helps you position yourself as a credible professional!

When choosing a profile picture try to keep it relatively professional. While it doesn’t have to be stuffy, perhaps leave the cocktails, bikinis, group photos for a different social media platform (unless of course, that’s your line of work!).

2.Grow your network

Once your profile is completed start sending invites for people to join your network. Try and keep it relevant, there really is no need for random professionals from different industries in far geographic locations to be in your list. You want to grow a network that could be of use to you.

Remember that all your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degree connections are likely to see your updates, your posts, or comments you make. Through your connections other may come to your profile to check out what you have to offer and perhaps network with you.

3. Be Active

Make sure you provide updates through LinkedIn. Whether that be comments, blogs, statuses, or any other media. You don’t always have talk about yourself, but it’s great to let your network know what recent changes there have been, what sort of projects you’re working on and so on. If you’re active in groups or discussions this will also show your wider network who you are, ultimately contributing to your personal brand.

You don’t have to be on LinkedIn all the time to be active and build your brand and profile, however it’s good to keep people updated when there is anything new they should know. Do it right and if you ever need to address your network for new jobs, projects or help down the line, all the hard work you’ve put in building your presence will pay off. LinkedIn is a powerful tool, use it! It’s never been easier to become a LinkedIn All Star.

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